Tony Montana
Tony Montana was born in Chicago November 13th 1933 and died April 18th 2019.
Is Scarface based of Tony Montana's life?
Scareface is not based off the life the real Tony Montana lived.
The original Scarface made in 1932 is based a lot off the life of Al Capone. in that Scarface there was no Tony Montana yet it was Tony Camonte. In the 1983 Scarface film with Al Pacino they changed it to Tony Montana.

The real Tony Montana's name came up in all sorts of investigation reports. From money laundering, wire fraud, conspiracy,to even the murders of his good friends and business partners Tony Spilotro and his brother Michael Spilotro

How Long was Tony Montana in prison?
Tony Montana used Oscar Goodman as an attorney and took his case to trial and lost. Tony Montana was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He had to do 2 actual years in prison at Boron Federal Prison at Edwards Air Force Base from 1986 to 1988.
Oscar Goodman told Tony Montana before trial that when the government wants to get you for a conspiracy there going to get you. 
What charged did Tony Montana go to prison for?
Tony Montana was convicted for credit card fraud, possession of stolen property and counterfeiting. Tony Montana was also charged with wire fraud, that was dropped before trial. On the wire fraud Tony Montana could of got up to 30 years in prison. 
Tony Montana was busted in a sting operation that the fbi had been working on for over 2 years to bust Tony Montana and other organized crime members. Over 30 people were arrested in the operation only 4 Oufit members and the rest were other families.

Shortly after Tony Montana was busted by the feds and was in prison he was questioned about the disappearance of Tony Spilotro and his brother Michael Spilotro.  His good friends that got killed just after Tony Montana was busted. 

Since the bodies were not found yet it was a missing person case then later shortly after the bodies were found in the cornfield it became one of the biggest  murder cases of all time.

Tony Montana - The Down Fall Of Tokyo Joe Tony Montana talks about Ken Eto his old business partner before Eto ratted on the Outfit